22024-2 Pilot Electrode LP

Assy, Pilot-Elect, 2SH76 LP
Gas Type: Propane
Sunpak Pilot Electrode Assembly
Gas Type: LP
Used on Models: S25, S34 (standard) heaters. Nat Gas version is part # 22024
Function: The pilot electrode assembly lights the pilot when the heater is turned on. You should be able to hear the buzzing sound and see a small spark jumping from the electrode to the pilot hood. Once the pilot is lit, the electrode also “senses ground” through the flame. If no flame is present at the pilot the heater will try (3) times to re-light itself, if unsuccessful the heater locks out (doesn’t attempt to light) until the power switch is cycled. (turned off/on).
Other Notes: This part will not work on the TSH or TSR series heaters. Contact us if you have questions.